Extinction of Spatial Memory Alters CREB Phosphorylation in Hippocampal CA1
Hippocampus. 2010-09-16; 21(11): 1169-1179
DOI: 10.1002/hipo.20844
Read on PubMed
1. Hippocampus. 2011 Nov;21(11):1169-79. doi: 10.1002/hipo.20844. Epub 2010 Sep 16.
Extinction of spatial memory alters CREB phosphorylation in hippocampal CA1.
Porte Y(1), Trifilieff P, Wolff M, Micheau J, Buhot MC, Mons N.
Author information:
(1)Centre de Neurosciences Intégratives et Cognitives, Talence, France.
Although the importance of cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB)
phosphorylation in long-term memory formation is well documented for
hippocampus-dependent tasks, little is known about the changes in phosphorylated
CREB (pCREB) that occur during the process of extinction. The purpose of this
study was to characterize the temporal patterns of pCREB in the CA1 and the
amygdala after the extinction of previously acquired spatial information in the
water maze. Mice were trained to find a hidden platform located at a fixed
position and then were given extinction sessions in which the platform was either
absent (NoPF) or relocated every day (RandomPF). We show that water maze spatial
training evoked a biphasic response of pCREB in the CA1, with two different peaks
occurring 15 min and 8 h postacquisition. The extinction of the original spatial
preference significantly reduced the two peaks of CA1 pCREB in both RandomPF and
NoPF groups whereas CA1 pCREB at 60 min post-training remained unaffected.
Moreover, the early and late phases of extinction training produced regionally
dissociable effects on pCREB in the CA1 and the lateral nucleus of the amygdala.
These findings provide new insights on the molecular dynamics and anatomical
dissociations underlying spatial memory and extinction learning.
Copyright © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/hipo.20844
PMID: 20848600 [Indexed for MEDLINE]