
Chemistry Biology Interface Day 2024

The Chemistry Biology Interface Day (CBID 2024) in Nouvelle Aquitaine will take place on November 26th at IECB (2 rue Escarpit, 33600 Pessac). This scientific meeting is aiming at promoting research at the interface between chemistry and biology in the Nouvelle Aquitaine region. It is open to all, from master students to researchers and will include a poster session and flash talks! Anyone working at this interface or interested in learning more is welcome to join! Please find the preliminary program at the end of this Email.

Please register to attend the symposium by November 15th 2024 using the link below. Attendance is free but required for logistic reasons as lunch will be provided. Please note that space is limited to 120 participants.

If you’d like to present a poster, please register and submit an abstract to by November 15th, using the abstract template available on the registration page. Slots will also be available for flash poster presentations (selected from the abstracts).

This event is sponsored by the STS and SMR departments from the University of Bordeaux.

The organizing committee
Frederic Friscourt (IECB/ISM) / Elisabeth Garanger (LCPO)/Jeanne Leblond-Chain (ARNA) / Nicolas Martin (CRPP) / Matthieu Sainlos (IINS) / Elia Stahl (IECB/LBM)/Emmanuelle Thinon (IECB/CBMN)

Preliminary program

9:15-9:30  Introduction
9:30-10:30  Session 1
Sébastien Papot – IC2MP
Laure Beven – INRAE
Thomas Beneyton –  CRPP
Core Facilities (VoxCell/TBMCore and Bordeaux Metabolome)

10:30-11:00  Coffee Break

11:00-12:30  Session 2
Estelle Rascol – CBMN
Hugo De Oliveira – Biotis
Flash talks

12:30-14:30  Lunch and poster session

14:30-16 :15 Session 3
Zoeisha Chinoy – ISM
Sébastien Campagne –  ARNA
Clément Morgat – INCIA
Core Facilities Presentation ( IECB and BIC)
Anna Brachet – IINS
Colin Bonduelle – LCPO
Elia Stahl – LBM

16:15: 16:30 Poster prizes
16:30-19:00  Drinks reception

Publication: 01/10/24
Last update 01/10/24