The impact of parent history of severe mental illness on schizophrenia outcomes: results from the real-world FACE-SZ cohort.

A. Garosi, P. L. Sunhary de Verville, D. Etchecopar-etchart, R. Richieri, O. Godin, F. Schürhoff, F. Berna, B. Aouizerate, D. Capdevielle, I. Chereau, J. Clauss-Kobayashi, J. M. Dorey, C. Dubertret, N. Coulon, S. Leignier, J. Mallet, D. Misdrahi, C. Passerieux, R. Rey, A. Szoke, M. Urbach, M. Leboyer, P. M. Llorca, C. Lançon, L. Boyer, G. Fond, , M. Andre, C. Andrieu-Haller, O. Blanc, E. Bourguignon, I. Chereau-Boudet, R. Dassing, A. Esselin, F. Gabayet, M. Jarroir, D. Lacelle, E. Metairie, T. Michel, J. Petrucci, B. Pignon, P. Peri, C. Portalier, C. Roman, B. Schorr, A. Szöke, A. Tessier, G. Wachiche, A. Zinetti-Bertschy
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2022-07-19; 273(4): 825-837
DOI: 10.1007/s00406-022-01449-x

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1. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2023 Jun;273(4):825-837. doi:
10.1007/s00406-022-01449-x. Epub 2022 Jul 19.

The impact of parent history of severe mental illness on schizophrenia outcomes:
results from the real-world FACE-SZ cohort.

Garosi A(1), Sunhary de Verville
PL(2)(3)(1)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15), Etchecopar-Etchart
D(2)(1), Richieri R(2)(1), Godin O(2)(14)(15), Schürhoff F(2)(3), Berna F(2)(5),
Aouizerate B(2)(4)(12), Capdevielle D(2)(6), Chereau I(2)(7), Clauss-Kobayashi
J(5), Dorey JM(2)(8), Dubertret C(2)(9), Coulon N(2)(10), Leignier S(2)(10),
Mallet J(2)(9), Misdrahi D(2)(4)(13), Passerieux C(2)(11), Rey R(2)(8), Szoke
A(2)(3), Urbach M(2)(11), Leboyer M(2)(3), Llorca PM(2)(7), Lançon C(2)(1),
Boyer L(2)(1), Fond G(16)(17); Collaborators : the FACE-SZ (Fonda Mental
Academic Centers of Expertise for Schizophrenia) group.

Collaborators: Andre M, Andrieu-Haller C, Aouizerate B, Berna F, Blanc O,
Bourguignon E, Capdevielle D, Chereau-Boudet I, Clauss-Kobayashi J, Coulon N,
Dassing R, Dorey JM, Dubertret C, Esselin A, Fond G, Gabayet F, Jarroir M,
Lacelle D, Leboyer M, Leignier S, Llorca PM, Mallet J, Metairie E, Michel T,
Misdrahi D, Passerieux C, Petrucci J, Pignon B, Peri P, Portalier C, Rey R,
Roman C, Schorr B, Schürhoff F, Szöke A, Tessier A, Urbach M, Wachiche G,
Zinetti-Bertschy A.

Author information:
(1)Faculté de Médecine-Secteur Timone, EA 3279: CEReSS-Centre d’Etude et de
Recherche sur les Services de Santé et la Qualité de vie, Aix-Marseille
University, 27 Boulevard Jean Moulin, 13005, Marseille, France.
(2)Fondation FondaMental, Créteil, France.
(3)Université Paris Est Creteil (UPEC), AP-HP, Hôpitaux Universitaires « H.
Mondor », DMU IMPACT, INSERM, IMRB, Translational Neuropsychiatry, Fondation
FondaMental, 94010, Creteil, France.
(4)Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens, Université de Bordeaux, 33076, Bordeaux,
(5)INSERM U1114, Fédération de Médecine Translationnelle de Strasbourg, Hôpitaux
Universitaires de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
(6)Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie Adulte, Hôpital la Colombière, CHRU
Montpellier, Université Montpellier 1, Inserm 1061, Montpellier, France.
(7)CMP B, CHU, EA 7280 Faculté de Médecine, Université d’Auvergne, BP 69, 63003,
Clermont-Ferrand, France.
(8)INSERM U1028, CNRS UMR5292, Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon,
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Equipe PSYR2, Centre Hospitalier le Vinatier,
Pole Est, 95 Bd Pinel, BP 30039, 69678, Bron, France.
(9)Department of Psychiatry, Faculté de Médecine, AP-HP, Louis Mourier Hospital,
Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Inserm U894, Colombes, France.
(10)Centre Référent de Réhabilitation Psychosociale, CH Alpes Isère, Grenoble,
(11)Centre Hospitalier de Versailles, Service de psychiatrie et d’addictologie
adulte, le Chesnay, EA 4047 HANDIReSP, UFR des Sciences de la Santé Simone veil,
Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Versailles, France.
(12)INRA, NutriNeuro, University of Bordeaux, U1286, 33076, Bordeaux, France.
(13)CNRS UMR 5287-INCIA, Pessac, France.
(14)Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR_S 1136, Institut Pierre Louis
d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 75013, Paris, France.
(15)INSERM, UMR_S 1136, Institut Pierre Louis d’Epidémiologie et de Santé
Publique, 75013, Paris, France.
(16)Fondation FondaMental, Créteil, France. .
(17)Faculté de Médecine-Secteur Timone, EA 3279: CEReSS-Centre d’Etude et de
Recherche sur les Services de Santé et la Qualité de vie, Aix-Marseille
University, 27 Boulevard Jean Moulin, 13005, Marseille, France.

Parent history of severe mental illness (PHSMI) may have long-term consequences
in adult offspring due to genetic and early environmental factors in preliminary
studies. To compare the outcomes associated in subjects with PHSMI to those in
patients without PHSMI. The participants with schizophrenia and schizoaffective
disorders were recruited in the ongoing FACE-SZ cohort at a national level (10
expert centers) and evaluated with a 1-day-long standardized battery of
clinician-rated scales and patient-reported outcomes. PHSMI was defined as
history of schizophrenia or bipolar disorders in at least one parent and was
included as explanatory variable in multivariate models. Of the 724 included
patients, 78 (10.7%) subjects were classified in the PHSMI group. In
multivariate analyses, PHSMI patients had a better insight into schizophrenia
and the need for treatment and reported more often childhood trauma history
compared to patients without PHSMI. More specifically, those with paternal
history of SMI reported more severe outcomes (increased childhood physical and
emotional abuses, comorbid major depression and psychiatric hospitalizations).
PHSMI is associated with increased risk of childhood trauma, major depressive
disorder and psychiatric hospitalization and better insight in individuals with
schizophrenia. Specific public health prevention programs for parents with SMI
should be developed to help protect children from pejorative psychiatric
outcomes. PHSMI may also explain in part the association between better insight
and increased depression in schizophrenia.

© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany.

DOI: 10.1007/s00406-022-01449-x
PMID: 35852617 [Indexed for MEDLINE]

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