Evidence-Based Practice: proposal for an extended definition
Eur Rehab J. 2022-01-01; 2(1): 1-5
DOI: 10.52057/erj.v2i1.3
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is an approach that has emerged in medical practice. In 2000, Sackett et al. stated the most common definition of the EBP approach: “the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values”. Over time, many elements have been added and discussed by various authors to this initial definition (cost and duration of the intervention, therapist skills, regional resources provided for health, cultural influences, …). With evolution of the EBP approach, and these successive additions, we wish to propose a new definition of the EBP in order to bring it a more contemporary and complete face. For that reason, the different objectives of this article are : – to explain why making such a proposal : a new extended definition – to propose a new extended definition – to explain our semantic choices – to propose (and explain) an updated graphic model for the extended definition