
EMBO – Scientific Exchange Grants


Supporting international collaborations, enabling transfer of expertise.

EMBO Scientific Exchange Grants fund research exchanges of up to three months between laboratories in eligible countries. The grants facilitate collaborations with research groups with expertise techniques or infrastructure that is unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory. They cover travel cost plus subsistence for the fellow.

Please note that EMBO Scientific Exchange Grants were formerly called EMBO Short-Term Fellowships.


  • Applicants must be active researchers at any stage in their career with a minimum of one year of research experience at the PhD student level, or equivalent at the time of application.
  • EMBO Scientific Exchange Grants are awarded for research exchanges between laboratories in EMBC Member States, Associated Member States or Cooperation Partners. The grants are not awarded for exchanges between two laboratories within the same country.
  • Only in exceptional cases, the grants be awarded for research visits outside the countries listed above. For such cases, it is essential that a justification be provided why there is no appropriate expertise or technology in EMBC Member States, Associated Member States or Cooperation Partners.
  • Applications from outside EMBC Member States, Associated Member States or Cooperation Partners will not be considered.
  • EMBO will consider applications involving laboratories (home or host) in Japan throughout 2021.
  • Applications for the exclusive purpose of training in a technique rather than as a component of a wider research project will not be considered for funding.
  • EMBO does not consider applications to prolong visits begun under other auspices, or as bridging grant between, or prior to, long-term stays funded by EMBO or other organisations.
  • Applications for grants to attend courses, workshops, or symposia will not be considered. Similarly, EMBO Scientific Grants do not provide additional funding for courses, conference travel, bench fees, overheads or any other expenses beyond travel costs between the laboratories involved and the subsistence rates depending on the country visited.

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