Studying the impact of aging on memory systems: Contribution of two behavioral models in the mouse
Behavioral Neurobiology of Aging. 2011-01-01; : 67-89
DOI: 10.1007/7854_2011_151

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1. Curr Top Behav Neurosci. 2012;10:67-89. doi: 10.1007/7854_2011_151.
Studying the impact of aging on memory systems: contribution of two behavioral
models in the mouse.
Marighetto A(1), Brayda-Bruno L, Etchamendy N.
Author information:
(1)Neurocentre Magendie-Inserm U862, 146 Rue Leo Saignat, 33077, Bordeaux-Cedex,
France, .
In the present chapter, we describe our own attempts to improve our understanding
of the pathophysiology of memory in aging. First, we tried to improve animal
models of memory degradations occurring in aging, and develop common behavioral
tools between mice and humans. Second, we began to use these behavioral tools to
identify the molecular/intracellular changes occurring within the integrate
network of memory systems in order to bridge the gap between the molecular and
system level of analysis. The chapter is divided into three parts (i) modeling
aging-related degradation in declarative memory (DM) in mice, (ii) assessing the
main components of working memory (WM) with a common radial-maze task in mice and
humans and (iii) studying the role of the retinoid cellular signaling path in
aging-related changes in memory systems.
DOI: 10.1007/7854_2011_151
PMID: 21805395 [Indexed for MEDLINE]