PhD seminar – Mathieu Bourdenx
Friday 6 December at 11:30 // From organelles to cell-types: understanding proteostasis dysfunction in ageing and neurodegeneration
Bordeaux Neurocampus : The neuroscience Departement of Bordeaux University. It comprises pluridisciplinary research teams stuying brain function and its pathologies.
On January 1st, 1994, a federative research institute for clinical and experimental neuroscience was created in Bordeaux. This community, which would evolve and grow over the years, took the name Bordeaux Neurocampus in 2013.
PhD extension grant
Deadline: May 20h
Lectures are open to everyone. Venue: CARF
Venue: Bordeaux Biologie Santé (BBS)
Lieu : Amphithéâtre du Centre hospitalier Charles Perrens
From organelles to cell-types: understanding proteostasis dysfunction in ageing and neurodegeneration // Venue: Centre Broca
Venue: Centre Broca // Registration deadline: December 1st 2024
Dopamine: a teaching signal triggering hippocampal long‑term potentiation and contextual learning // Venue: Centre Broca
Venue: Centre Broca Invited by Nicolas Mallet (IMN)
Strategies for problem-solving : a model to classify problem-solving behaviours // Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine, salle Pyramide
Ultrastructural and molecular analysis of cortico-striatal dopamine hub synapses // Lieu : CARF
New calls
Recherche sur la sclérose en plaques et les maladies apparentées
Ends on 31 March 2025Several calls all year long
PermanentFondation APICIL et Fondation Maladies Rares
Ends on 31 January 2025Son but est de favoriser la collaboration en matière de recherche entre la France et le Canada
Ends on 26 January 2025recognises outstanding work in brain research by mid-career scientists from underrepresented backgrounds
Ends on 20 January 2025Prix « Recueil citoyen » et Prix « Co-construction »
Ends on 15 January 2025Soutien au cours des 3 années de thèse. Domaine de la maladie d’Alzheimer ou des maladies apparentées.
Ends on 12 January 2025Infectious diseases Society in America
Ends on 10 January 2025To pursue an ambitious PhD project in basic biomedical research.
PermanentLast days
Contact : Naoya Takahashi (IINS)
Postdoctoral position in the field of behavioral neurophysiologyContact: Thomas Bienvenu (Magendie)
On Thursday 17 October 2024, following the celebration of her retirement
Bordeaux Neurocampus fête ses 30 ansJeudi 14 novembre.