4th symposium of the network on monocytes – macrophages – microglia
Since its launch in 2017 in Montpellier, the SoMM (Symposium of the Occitania Network on Monocytes-Macrophages) brings together every year about a hundred academic and private actors around a common axis of interest centered on Monocytes / Macrophages in order to create links, promote the exchange of skills and develop new collaborations around this specific axis.
Involved in tissue homeostasis as well as in physiological and pathological inflammatory response, Monocytes/Macrophages are present in all human pathologies and represent an interesting target, as diagnostic markers, prognostic of severity, for the evaluation of innovative therapies, and as therapeutic targets.
Different fields of Monocyte / Macrophage biology are explored during this sympoisum, notably among those represented in the research institutes of the Macrophage Club of the Occitanie region extended to Bordeaux, Marseille and Nice. We will be interested in their role in tissue homeostasis, in inflammation and its resolution, in tissue regeneration but also in metabolic, infectious, autoimmune diseases, or in cancers, in humans. We will also discuss the use of different study models (mouse, zebrafish).
The 2020 symposium had to be postponed to November 26, 2021. A hybrid format has been chosen, but we sincerely hope to meet in person on this occasion. It will be held at the Agora du Domaine du Haut-Carré in Talence, a prestigious conference room of the University of Bordeaux.
On site, the health pass will be requested.
Free but mandatory registration for in-site and online
-to be specified at registration-
– required to submit –
Deadline for in-site registration and submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentations: Friday, October 15
Information / Registration
Last update 29/10/21