
2025-2026 PhD seminar series

The PhD seminars program 2025-2026 is being organized. We are still looking for propos

The deadline is 30th of January 2025. Please don’t hesitate to propose potential speakers that you want to see presenting in the Neurocampus.

Some reminders regarding the PhD seminars:

PhD seminars are a series of 9 lectures scheduled every 1st Friday of the month from October to June. A highly qualified researcher is invited to the Neurocampus to give a lecture in the morning and meet the Bordeaux neuroscience community in the afternoon through labs visits and meetings with researchers.

How does it technically work?

A table to fill with your ideas of speakers is available online. The link has been sent by emails to PhD students and is available on request (contact Arnaud rodriguez, the NBA or the organizers Pierre Mortessagne, Vasika Venugopal & Rim Fayad)

To suggest a future invitation, you just have to put the name of a possible speaker, few information about him/her (publication, career…) and your name (so we know who invited whom).

Here is an indicative list of topics which could be presented:

  • Cellular biology and development of nervous system cells and synapses
  • Dynamics of neural circuits
  • Motor and sensory system
  • Nutrition and mental health
  • Addiction and vulnerability
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Neurodegenerative disorders and other neurologic disorders
  • Brain cognition and behavior
  • Neurotechnology

Few instructions:

  • We will give preference to European speakers as the aim is to bring them on site. If you absolutely want to invite a non-European one, you can, but be aware that it may be complicated to get him/her to come.
  • We try to have a program that respects parity.
  • We leave it to you to consult the speakers of previous years so as not to build a redundant program (2nd sheet of the table).

Deadline for proposal: January 30th 2025!

If your proposed scientist is invited, you will have to do a few things:

  • Quickly prepare with one of the students of the Neurocampus council the visit of the scientist: whom he/she wants to meet and who wants to meet him/her on the Neurocampus.
  • Guide your scientist through the Neurocampus for his/her different meetings.
  • Introduce your scientist just before the presentation and lead the questions.

Thanks to the graduate program, if your Scientist is invited, you can validate 5 hours on Adum!

Please feel free to share with PhD students of the Bordeaux Neurocampus who were not in this list (and if you know about it, contact us so we can adjust our mailing list)

Any questions?

Contact Pierre Mortessagne, Vasika Venugopal or Rim Fayad

Publication: 22/01/25
Last update 24/01/25