SFARI – 2022 Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science – Request for Applications
Grants awarded through this RFA are intended to produce foundational knowledge about the neurobehavioral differences associated with ASD. Many of these projects are expected to inform or relate to the development or refinement of tools needed for translational efforts, such as biomarkers and outcome measures. Special emphasis is placed on objective, quantitative measures that may be used in conjunction with standardized clinical measures and genomic information to better triangulate phenotypic and neurobiological variability within and across individuals with ASD.
Two tracks are offered within this RFA solicitation: Explorer and Expansion. The Explorer track is appropriate for early-stage projects where establishing feasibility and proof-of-concept are the most relevant outcomes of the grant period. The total budget is $500,000 or less, inclusive of 20 percent indirect costs, over a period of up to two (2) years. The Expansion track is appropriate for more mature projects with evidence of feasibility and preliminary validity, for which goals such as scalability, generalizability and/or ecological validity are now the most relevant translational outcomes. The total budget is $900,000 or less, inclusive of 20 percent indirect costs, over a period of up to three (3) years.
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