NYSCF Awards
Neuroscience Investigator Awards
Please note that due to the current pandemic, NYSCF is extending its eligibility criterion to be within 6 years of starting a faculty (professorship) or comparable position on June 1, 2022.
NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for awards in neuroscience. The goal of this initiative is to foster innovative, emerging scientists whose pioneering approaches have the potential to transform the field of neuroscience.
For the 2022 application cycle, applicants are invited to apply from all fields in neuroscience. NYSCF is committed to supporting a broad range of neuroscience research areas representative of the field, taking into account the immense progress and changes in the field in the last decade. To that end, NYSCF especially encourages applications from neuroscientists whose research areas may be under-supported by traditional funding mechanisms and/or underrepresented in the field as a whole (see examples on next page) or by previous recipients of the Awards.
Applicants need not be working in areas related to stem cells or related areas.
Stem Cell Investigator Awards
Please note that due to the current pandemic, NYSCF is extending its eligibility criterion to be within 6 years of starting a faculty (professorship) or comparable position on June 1, 2022.
NYSCF is soliciting applications from early career investigators for awards to be used for exploring the basic biology and translational potential of stem cells. The aim of this initiative is to support highly innovative, emerging scientists whose pioneering approaches have the potential to transform the field of stem cell research, and advance understanding and use of stem cells in the development of treatments for human disease.
NYSCF is eager to support scientists who have just started their independent laboratories, and we strongly encourage applicants looking to secure their first major grant funding as an independent investigator. That being said, applicants will be evaluated first and foremost on scientific merit and the transformative potential of their research for the stem cell field.