National Ataxia Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
The National Ataxia Foundation (NAF) is a patient-facing nonprofit organization established in 1957 to
accelerate the development of treatments for ataxias, while working to improve the lives of those living
with ataxia. This continues to be at the heart of the organization today. NAF is a world leader in the ataxia
research field, using national and global collaboration to further research efforts. In its continuing efforts to
find the causes, treatments, and cures for the ataxias, the NAF provides limited, short-term financial
support of ataxia research through its annual Research Grant Program. This document includes NAF
policies and guidelines relevant to the NAF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Grant Description
The National Ataxia Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship is a competitive, non-renewable, merit-
based award intended to encourage pre-doctoral students to pursue research and a career in the field of
ataxia. This award provides partial support for study and research and may be used to support pre-
doctoral students who are pursing research with an ataxia-relevant theme. Applications for any type of
ataxia are accepted for this award. Proposals across the spectrum of basic, translational, and clinical
research are welcome.