Helmholtz Imaging Projects Call
The new call for Helmholtz Imaging Projects is open! Submit your proposal by 30 July 2023 to receive funding for your collaborative, cross-disciplinary research project in the field of imaging and data science. Beginning of June 2023 project proposals can be submitted via our project portal.
The objective of this call for Helmholtz Imaging Projects is to initiate and facilitate activities that address challenges and methods across research fields and centers; special emphasis for Helmholtz Imaging Projects is laid on developing innovative approaches, which tackle imaging problems. Such projects often are characterized by higher risk and will therefore have demonstration character. Thus, Helmholtz Imaging will provide seed funding for new ideas and aims at collaborative projects with the potential to facilitate collaborations in a larger context.
Helmholtz Imaging Project combines two characteristic goals:
- to promote imaging science by innovative approaches in information & data science and synergies across imaging modalities and applications, and
- to foster cross-disciplinary research interaction and method transfer between applications and research fields (across Helmholtz research fields) and sectors (with industry or other partners).
More details
Website: https://helmholtz-imaging.de/news/helmholtz-imaging-projects-call-2023-open/