FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence PhD Thesis Prize
Expire le 1 mars 2022
The FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence PhD Thesis Prize is awarded every second year at the FENS Forum and honors a young neuroscientist for his/her outstanding PhD thesis in any domain of neuroscience.
Personal prize money: 2.000 €
- the PhD must have been conducted in a FENS member country;
- the candidate must have successfully defended the PhD thesis at the home institution;
- at the time of the submission, no more than two years may have elapsed since the PhD was awarded;
- the candidate must have at least one first-author manuscript published or accepted for publication. In case of a co-first authorship, the contribution of the applicant must be clearly stated on the publication, and can be further outlined in an accompanying document;
- the candidate has to be available to attend the FENS Forum 2022 (Paris, 9-13 July 2022)
The FKNE PhD Thesis Prize is sponsored by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET).