FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence Mentoring Prize
The FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence Mentoring Prize is awarded every second year at the FENS Forum and honors an individual who has demonstrated leadership in fostering the careers of neuroscientists.
Personal prize money: 2.000 €
The FENS-Kavli Scholars aim to promote neuroscience and support early-career neuroscientists in Europe. We recognize that mentoring plays an essential role in fostering scientists, but mentoring efforts are often not recognized or rewarded in a scientific career.
This award will honor an individual who has demonstrated leadership in fostering the careers of neuroscientists.
Commitment to mentoring may be demonstrated for example by
- recommendations from current and former students and postdocs;
- evidence of support and encouragement of trainees experiencing personal or professional difficulties;
- trainees career path and successes (both academic and non-academic);
- evidence of assistance to junior colleagues outside of the immediate supervision (e.g. comments on grant proposals and manuscripts, experimental assistance, career advice).
The FKNE Mentoring Prize is sponsored by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET).
- the nominee must be a neuroscientist with a PhD, MD or equivalent;
- the nominee must currently be a head of a research laboratory in a FENS member country with responsibility for mentoring (for example supervising students, postdoctoral researchers or technicians);
- the nominee has to be available to attend the FENS Forum 2022 (Paris, 9-13 July).
The nomination must include:
- contact information of the proposer and the nominee;
- a letter of recommendation from mentee(s) highlighting the mentoring activities of the nominee. More than one letter of recommendation is welcome. These can be combined into a single pdf and uploaded together;
- contact details of two referees that the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence Office could contact for further references.
For enquiries, please contact: