FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships Programme
In their mutual and strong commitment to support early career researchers and intra-European mobility, with a set goal of advancing neuroscience research and training in Europe, FENS and the IBRO Pan-Europe Regional Committee (IBRO-PERC) are pleased to announce the launch of the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships Programme.
Directed at PhD students and early post-doctoral fellows located in Europe, the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships Programme aims to foster and broaden the scope of their methodological training by supporting goal-directed laboratory visits in established European laboratories.
Maximum Grant Amount: EUR 4,000
Funds may be used for travel and local expenses during the laboratory exchange. Funds will be transferred according to a 60:40 format, meaning 60% of the grant will be awarded at least 2 weeks in advance of the fellowship, and the remaining 40% upon completion of the exchange and submission of the associated grant report.
Application deadlines: biannually – on 15 April and 15 October (midnight, Brussels time)
More details
Website: https://www.fens.org/careers/grants-and-stipends/grant/fens-ibro-perc-exchange-fellowships