Excellent Paper In Neuroscience – “Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects (ELSA) of Neuroscience”

Expire le 1 octobre 2024

The ERA-NET NEURON partner countries are issuing the EXCELLENT PAPER IN NEUROSCIENCE AWARD – Neuroethics to recognize the remarkable and outstanding scientific publications by early-career researchers in the field of ethical, legal and social aspects of neurosciences. Sole First Author of original research articles published between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2023, and affiliated with the call partner countries listed below are eligible to apply.

The Excellent Paper in Neuroscience Award –Neuroethics 2024 focuses on “Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects (ELSA) of Neuroscience”. The article should contribute progress on important research questions regarding ethical, philosophical, legal and socio-cultural aspects related to the neurosciences and their recent advances, to provide scientific knowledge for an informed debate in science and society, evaluate opportunities and risks associated with technological and methodological progress and to expand the general knowledge base.
An award of EUR 3 000 will be granted to the best proposal.

More details

Website: https://www.neuron-eranet.eu/joint-calls/epna/elsa-epna-award-2024-ethical-legal-and-social-aspects-of-neuroscience/