Clinical Research Training Scholarship in FTD
Expire le 14 septembre 2023
Funded by The Holloway Family Fund of The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration and American Brain Foundation in collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology
This award aims to recognize the importance of good clinical research and to encourage early career investigators in clinical studies in FTD.
This award will consist of a commitment of $65,000 per year for two years, plus a $10,000 per year stipend to support education and research-related costs for a total of $150,000. Supplementation of the award with other grants is permissible, but to be eligible to apply for this award, the other grant source(s) cannot exceed $75,000 annually.
- For the purpose of this scholarship, research is defined as “patient-oriented research conducted with human participants, or translational research specifically designed to develop treatments or enhance diagnosis of neurologic disease. These areas of research include epidemiologic or behavioral studies, clinical trials, studies of disease mechanisms, the development of new technologies, and health services and outcomes research.” Disease-related studies not directly involving humans or human tissue are also encouraged if the primary goal is the development of therapies, diagnostic tests, or other tools to prevent or mitigate neurological diseases.
- Recipient must be an AAN member interested in an academic career in neurological research who has completed residency or a PhD no more than 5 years prior to the beginning of this award (July 1, 2024). If you have completed both residency and a PhD, your eligibility is based on when you completed residency. If you completed a fellowship of any kind after residency, your eligibility is still based on the date you finished residency.
- Applicants at accredited US and international institutions are eligible.
More details
Website: https://www.aan.com/research/clinical-research-scholarship-ftd