Alzheimer’s Disease Strategic Fund: E2A’s Grant Program
Expire le 2 mars 2023
The Endolysosomal Activity in Alzheimer’s (E2A) Grant Program solicits projects that aim to address some of the key challenges in Alzheimer’s research today as related to the endolysosomal system, including but not limited to:
- Define the role of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) associated genes in the functionality of the endolysosomal network and understanding how this impacts the cellular dysfunction that occurs in AD.
- Consider what are the specific components or functions of the endolysosomal system that are regulated by risk genes and how do endolysosomal associated risk genes impact different cell types.
- Understanding endolysosomal associated genes and functions in related neurodegenerative conditions if there is a clear and strong rational for relevance to AD.
- Development of potential therapies or potential biomarkers specifically targeted towards the endolysosomal system and measuring changes in endolysosomal function.
- Development of key tools and/or resources that if developed will benefit a broader range of scientific questions and/or studies related to the endolysosomal network. Tools and resources developed through this funding would be made broadly available to the scientific field.
This grant is open to U.S. and international researchers.