ALS association – Seed Grants
The ALS Association’s Seed Grants support the generation of preliminary data that will ultimately serve as the basis for larger grants that fund impactful research focused on ALS.
The ALS Association is the largest philanthropic funder of ALS research worldwide. Through our global research program, we are at the forefront of efforts to find new treatments and a cure for ALS in addition to making life better for people currently living with the disease, their caregivers, and their families. Association-funded grants and awards have led to some of the most promising and significant advances in ALS research.
Through its Seed Grants, the Association seeks to fund research with a strong scientific rationale and potential for significant impact in ALS but limited preliminary data. These one-year awards with a maximum budget of $50,000 should be used to gather preliminary data that will support future applications to larger grant award programs.
To view the full funding announcement, click here.
Topics of Interest (Scope)
We will accept applications from all scientific disciplines on topics that have the potential to ultimately transform the experience of ALS by optimizing the care and treatments we have, finding new treatments and cures, and/or preventing ALS. In addition to projects focused on ALS, projects that investigate the continuum of disease spanning ALS and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are also in scope.
We are especially interested in:
- Drug target identification
- Biomarkers
- Prevention
- Clinical tools and techniques
- Big data approaches
- Assistive technology
- Studies that document and reduce the harms of ALS on caregivers and families of people living with the disease
- Any other proposal with the potential to significantly improve the lives of those impacted by ALS
Please note: This funding opportunity will not support clinical trials, preclinical drug development activities (e.g., pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety and toxicology studies), or early drug development studies (e.g., hit-to-lead and lead optimization).
More details
Webpage: https://www.als.org/research/funding-opportunities/seed-grants-2023