ALBA-FKNE Diversity prize
With this Diversity prize, The ALBA Network and the The FENS-Kavli Scholars wish to highlight a scientist that has made outstanding contributions to promoting equality and diversity in the brain sciences.
The promotion of equality and diversity — e.g. by gender, race, sexual orientation, class, or culture — in research depends upon leaders and role models that catalyse a full integration of all scientists across academic levels. This annual award will recognise an individual that has made outstanding contributions to this effort, including but not limited to advocacy, mentorship or the creation of diversity-promoting initiatives.
This prize is awarded by the ALBA and FKNE networks, annually, at either the FENS Forum or the FENS Regional Meetings (FRM). The 2023 winner will be announced at the FENS Regional Meeting in Algarve, Portugal from 3-5 May 2023.
Nomination deadline: 15 January 2023
Prize: The awardee will receive prize money of €2000 for personal use and additional financial support to cover the awardee’s travel to and participation in the conference where the prize will be awarded.
Eligibility: This year we will celebrate the efforts of students (bachelors, masters, PhD) and researchers who are not PIs (postdoctoral researchers, staff scientists, long-term technical staff). They should be based in Europe and working at least 50% in a European research institution.
Procedure: The call welcomes nominations of an individual by someone as well as self-nomination. Applications should include a statement (max. 1 page) indicating the merits of the nominee on promoting equality and diversity in the field of brain sciences and any relevant activities organised by the nominee to contribute to this goal.