Call for applications – EUR Light Sciences and Technology Masters Program
The call for applications is now open for the EUR Light Sciences and Technology Masters Program.
The master track “Biophotonics and Neurotechnology” is part of the Light Sciences and Technologies Graduate Program at the University of Bordeaux (EUR or Ecole Universitaire de Recherche, https://light-st.u-bordeaux.fr) and the ‘Mention: Ingénierie de la santé’ (https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/formation/2016/PRMA_75/ingenierie-de-la-sante), which offers a multidisciplinary training program on the development and uses of advanced optical technology and techniques to address complex biological problems in the life sciences, in particular neuroscience and cancer biology.
The academic program is composed of basic and specialised lecture and practicum courses, and internships in top-ranked research laboratories and core facilities equipped with state-of-the-arts technology and microscopes, and supporting infrastructure needed for modern research. The courses and practicals are run by leading research faculty and staff, who take great pride and interest in teaching and forming the next generation of biophotonics researchers and engineers.
The program is run entirely in English and the students study and work in the highly international, collaborative and diverse research community of Bordeaux Neurocampus (https://www.bordeaux-neurocampus.fr/en/).
Moreover, the program offers financial support to all enrolled students (in the form of merit-based ‘excellence fellowships’ and paid internships) and a variety of career opportunities (workshops, summer schools and research stays in France and abroad).
Key points:
- Multidisciplinary training in biophotonics, its technology and application
- An identified area of research excellence at the University of Bordeaux
- Taught by world-leading faculty (including 8 ERC laureates)
- Financial support offered, M1 and M2 internships are paid + possibility for merit-based fellowships (750€ / month)
- Career perspectives in academic and private industry research, technology and application experts, in R&D, sales and service sectors
Mise à jour: 29/04/22