Cajal lectures – « Advanced techniques for synapse biology »
The Cajal course « Advanced techniques for synapse biology » will start on Monday 23rd October.
Lectures in the frame of the course are open to everyone.
Venue: CGFB
Course directors
Ana Luisa Carvalho – Coimbra University, Portugal
Mathieu Letellier – Bordeaux University, France
Hey-Kyoung Lee – John Hopkins University., US
October 24 – 9:00am
Cécile Charrier (Institute of Biology, École Normale Supérieure, France)
Molecular mechanisms of synaptic development: insights from a human-specific gene.
October 24 – 11:00am
Brian Mac Cabe (EPFL, Lausanne, Swiss)
Unknown knowns of Drosophila synapses.
October 26 – 9:00am
Noa Lipstein (LeibnizFMP, Germany)
Synaptic transmission in health and disease.
October 26 – 11:00am
Julie Perroy (IGF, University of Montpellier, France)
Molecular dynamics at glutamatergic synapses and beyond.
October 28 – 9:00am
Josef Kittler (University College London, UK)
Molecular mechanism of inhibitory synapse formation and plasticity.
October 30 – 9:00am
Daniel Choquet (CNRS/University of Bordeaux, France)
Nanoscale synapse organization and function.
November 2 – 9:00am
Marina Mikhaylova (Humboldt University , Germany)
Calcium and synaptic heterogeneity.
November 3 – 9:00am
Alfredo Kirkwood (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Principles of Hebbian, Pavlovian and Homeostatic synaptic plasticity.
November 3 – 11:00am
Rosa Paolicelli (University of Lausanne, Swiss)
Microglia: key players in synapse remodeling in the healthy and diseased brain.
November 6 – 9:00am
Juan Burrone (King’s College London, UK)
The emergence and plasticity of inhibitory synapses: from dendrites to the axon initial segment.
November 6 – 11:00am
Axion BioSystems : Presentation
November 7 – 9:00am
Nael Nadif Kasri (Radboud University Medical Center, Netherlands)
Leveraging spontaneous activity in human neuronal stem cell-derived neurons to model neurodevelopmental disorders.
November 9 – 9:00am
Christian Lohmann (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Netherlands)
Imaging synapse development.
November 9 – 11:00am
Julijana Gjorgjieva (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany)
Emergence of organization and computations at the subcellular and cellular scales.
About the course
Advanced techniques for synapse biology – CAJAL (cajal-training.org)
Mise à jour: 25/10/23