Spike train dynamics predicts theta-related phase precession in hippocampal pyramidal cells

Kenneth D. Harris, Darrell A. Henze, Hajime Hirase, Xavier Leinekugel, George Dragoi, Andras Czurkó, György Buzsáki
Nature. 2002-06-01; 417(6890): 738-741
DOI: 10.1038/nature00808

Lire sur PubMed

1. Nature. 2002 Jun 13;417(6890):738-41.

Spike train dynamics predicts theta-related phase precession in hippocampal
pyramidal cells.

Harris KD(1), Henze DA, Hirase H, Leinekugel X, Dragoi G, Czurkó A, Buzsáki G.

Author information:
(1)Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey, 197 University Avenue, Newark, New Jersey 07102, USA.

According to the temporal coding hypothesis, neurons encode information by the
exact timing of spikes. An example of temporal coding is the hippocampal phase
precession phenomenon, in which the timing of pyramidal cell spikes relative to
the theta rhythm shows a unidirectional forward precession during spatial
behaviour. Here we show that phase precession occurs in both spatial and
non-spatial behaviours. We found that spike phase correlated with instantaneous
discharge rate, and processed unidirectionally at high rates, regardless of
behaviour. The spatial phase precession phenomenon is therefore a manifestation
of a more fundamental principle governing the timing of pyramidal cell discharge.
We suggest that intrinsic properties of pyramidal cells have a key role in
determining spike times, and that the interplay between the magnitude of
dendritic excitation and rhythmic inhibition of the somatic region is responsible
for the phase assignment of spikes.

DOI: 10.1038/nature00808
PMID: 12066184 [Indexed for MEDLINE]

Auteurs Bordeaux Neurocampus