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Retinoic acid increases glucocorticoid receptor phosphorylation via cyclin-dependent kinase.
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The effects of physical exercise on nonmotor symptoms and on neuroimmune RAGE network in experimental parkinsonism.
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Retinoic acid increases glucocorticoid receptor phosphorylation via cyclin-dependent kinase 5..
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In vitro α-synuclein neurotoxicity and spreading among neurons and astrocytes using Lewy body extracts from Parkinson disease brains..
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Childhood trauma, depression and negative symptoms are independently associated with impaired quality of life in schizophrenia. Results from the national FACE-SZ cohort..
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Childhood trauma, depression and negative symptoms are independently associated with impaired quality of life in schizophrenia. Results from the national FACE-SZ cohort.
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Cannabinoid-induced tetrad in mice.
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Functional and dynamic polymerization of the ALS-linked protein TDP-43 antagonizes its pathologic aggregation.
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QTL and systems genetics analysis of mouse grooming and behavioral responses to novelty in an open field.
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Assessing recent and remote associative olfactory memory in rats using the social transmission of food preference paradigm.
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Pattern separation performance is decreased in patients with early multiple sclerosis..
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