Mutations in genes encoding ribonuclease H2 subunits cause Aicardi-Goutières syndrome and mimic congenital viral brain infection.
Nat Genet. 2006-07-16; 38(8): 910-916
DOI: 10.1038/ng1842

Lire sur PubMed
1. Nat Genet. 2006 Aug;38(8):910-6. Epub 2006 Jul 16.
Mutations in genes encoding ribonuclease H2 subunits cause Aicardi-Goutières
syndrome and mimic congenital viral brain infection.
Crow YJ(1), Leitch A, Hayward BE, Garner A, Parmar R, Griffith E, Ali M, Semple
C, Aicardi J, Babul-Hirji R, Baumann C, Baxter P, Bertini E, Chandler KE,
Chitayat D, Cau D, Déry C, Fazzi E, Goizet C, King MD, Klepper J, Lacombe D,
Lanzi G, Lyall H, Martínez-Frías ML, Mathieu M, McKeown C, Monier A, Oade Y,
Quarrell OW, Rittey CD, Rogers RC, Sanchis A, Stephenson JB, Tacke U, Till M,
Tolmie JL, Tomlin P, Voit T, Weschke B, Woods CG, Lebon P, Bonthron DT, Ponting
CP, Jackson AP.
Author information:
(1)Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Leeds, St. James’s
University Hospital, Leeds, LS9 7TF, UK.
Comment in
Nat Genet. 2006 Aug;38(8):866-7.
Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) is an autosomal recessive neurological disorder,
the clinical and immunological features of which parallel those of congenital
viral infection. Here we define the composition of the human ribonuclease H2
enzyme complex and show that AGS can result from mutations in the genes encoding
any one of its three subunits. Our findings demonstrate a role for ribonuclease H
in human neurological disease and suggest an unanticipated relationship between
ribonuclease H2 and the antiviral immune response that warrants further
DOI: 10.1038/ng1842
PMID: 16845400 [Indexed for MEDLINE]