[Molecular imaging of tumor hypoxia].
Cancer/Radiothérapie. 2009-12-01; 13(8): 747-757
DOI: 10.1016/j.canrad.2009.07.038
Lire sur PubMed
1. Cancer Radiother. 2009 Dec;13(8):747-57. doi: 10.1016/j.canrad.2009.07.038. Epub
2009 Oct 23.
[Molecular imaging of tumor hypoxia].
[Article in French]
Huchet A(1), Fernandez P, Allard M, Belkacémi Y, Maire JP, Trouette R, Eimer S,
Tourdias T, Loiseau H.
Author information:
(1)Service d’oncologie médicale et de radiothérapie, hôpital Saint-André, CHU de
Bordeaux, 1 rue Jean-Burguet, Bordeaux, France.
By allowing an earlier diagnosis and a more exhaustive assessment of extension of
the disease, the tomography by emission of positrons (TEP) transforms the care of
numerous cancers. At present, (18)F-fluorodesoxyglucose ([(18)F]-FDG) imaging
appears as the only one available but new molecular markers are being developed.
In the next future they would modify the approach of cancers. In this context,
the molecular imaging of the hypoxia and especially the (18)Ffluoromisonidazole
TEP ([(18)F]-MISO TEP) can give supplementary information allowing the mapping of
hypoxic regions within the tumour. Because of the links, which exist between
tumour hypoxia and treatment resistance of very numerous cancers, this
information can have an interest, for determination of prognosis as well as for
the delineation, volumes to be irradiated. Head and neck tumours are doubtless
those for which the literature gives the most elements on the therapeutic impact
of tumour hypoxia. Targeted therapies, based on hypoxia, already exist and the
contribution of the molecular imaging could be decisive in the evaluation of the
impact of such treatment. Molecular imaging of brain tumours remains to be
developed. The potential contributions of the [(18)F]-MISO TEP for the care of
these patients need to be confirmed. In this context, we propose a review of
hypoxia molecular imaging taking as examples head and neck tumours and
glioblastomas (GB), two tumours for which hypoxia is one of the key factors to
overcome in order to increase therapeutics results.
DOI: 10.1016/j.canrad.2009.07.038
PMID: 19854090 [Indexed for MEDLINE]