LC-MS/MS-based quantification of kynurenine metabolites, tryptophan, monoamines and neopterin in plasma, cerebrospinal fluid and brain.
Bioanalysis. 2016-09-01; 8(18): 1903-1917
DOI: 10.4155/bio-2016-0111

Lire sur PubMed
1. Bioanalysis. 2016 Sep;8(18):1903-17. doi: 10.4155/bio-2016-0111. Epub 2016 Aug
LC-MS/MS-based quantification of kynurenine metabolites, tryptophan, monoamines
and neopterin in plasma, cerebrospinal fluid and brain.
Fuertig R(1), Ceci A(1), Camus SM(2), Bezard E(2)(3)(4), Luippold AH(5), Hengerer
Author information:
(1)CNS Diseases Research, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Birkendorfer
Strasse 65, 88397 Biberach an der Riss, Germany.
(2)Motac Neuroscience, Manchester, UK.
(3)Univ de Bordeaux, Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives, UMR 5293, F-33000
Bordeaux, France.
(4)CNRS, Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives, UMR 5293, F-33000 Bordeaux,
(5)Drug Discovery Support, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG,
Birkendorfer Strasse 65, 88397 Biberach an der Riss, Germany.
AIM: The kynurenine (KYN) pathway is implicated in diseases such as cancer,
psychiatric, neurodegenerative and autoimmune disorders. Measurement of KYN
metabolite levels will help elucidating the involvement of the KYN pathway in the
disease pathology and inform drug development.
METHODOLOGY: Samples of plasma, cerebrospinal fluid or brain tissue were spiked
with deuterated internal standards, processed and analyzed by LC-MS/MS; analytes
were chromatographically separated by gradient elution on a C18 reversed phase
analytical column without derivatization.
CONCLUSION: We established an LC-MS/MS method to measure 11 molecules, namely
tryptophan, KYN, 3-OH-KYN, 3-OH-anthranilic acid, quinolinic acid, picolinic
acid, kynurenic acid, xanthurenic acid, serotonin, dopamine and neopterin within
5.5 min, with sufficient sensitivity to quantify these molecules in small sample
volumes of plasma, cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue.
DOI: 10.4155/bio-2016-0111
PMID: 27524289 [Indexed for MEDLINE]