A long-term follow-up of weight changes in subthalamic nucleus stimulated Parkinson’s disease patients
Revue Neurologique. 2012-02-01; 168(2): 173-176
DOI: 10.1016/j.neurol.2011.04.006
Lire sur PubMed
1. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2012 Feb;168(2):173-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neurol.2011.04.006.
Epub 2011 Oct 21.
A long-term follow-up of weight changes in subthalamic nucleus stimulated
Parkinson’s disease patients.
Foubert-Samier A(1), Maurice S, Hivert S, Guelh D, Rigalleau V, Burbaud P, Cuny
E, Meissner W, Tison F.
Author information:
(1)Inserm U897, Department of Neurology, University Hospital and Bordeaux-2
University, 146, rue Léo-Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux cedex, France.
Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN-DBS) constitutes the
mainstay treatment in advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) with motor fluctuations.
Despite its efficacy on motor signs and quality of life, emergent adverse events
have been recently reported. Among them, weight gain (WG) is a recognized adverse
event of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) in Parkinson’s
disease (PD). Also, WG is poorly known at the long-term and predisposing factors
have not yet been identified. We conducted a cross-sectional study of WG in 47
STN-DBS PD patients between 1999-2006. Data on disease history, motor status and
dopaminergic drug treatment were retrospectively collected at surgery and 1 year
post-surgery. Weight at disease diagnosis and at surgery, as well as the current
weight and height were gathered by an autoquestionnaire. Moreover, the weight
before surgery was obtained and verified in medical files in more than 90% of our
patients. Sixty-six patients who underwent surgery between 1999-2006 were
included, but six were deceased, four refused to participate and nine were lost
for follow-up. So, 47 (71%) were retained in our analysis. A total of 78.7% of
patients gained weight. On average 4.7 years follow up after surgery, the mean
weight gain was +7.2±8.1kg compared to the preoperative assessment (p