Functions for adult neurogenesis in memory: an introduction to the neurocomputational approach and to its contribution.
Behavioural Brain Research. 2012-02-01; 227(2): 418-425
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.08.009
Lire sur PubMed
1. Behav Brain Res. 2012 Feb 14;227(2):418-25. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.08.009. Epub
2011 Aug 12.
Functions for adult neurogenesis in memory: an introduction to the
neurocomputational approach and to its contribution.
Noguès X(1), Corsini MM, Marighetto A, Abrous DN.
Author information:
(1)INSERM U862, Neurocenter Magendie, Pathophysiology of Declarative Memory
group, Bordeaux F33077, France.
Until recently, it was believed that the introduction of new neurons in neuronal
networks was incompatible with memory function. Since the rediscovery of adult
hippocampal neurogenesis, behavioral data demonstrate that adult neurogenesis is
required for memory processing. We examine neurocomputational studies to identify
which basic mechanisms involved in memory might be mediated by adult
neurogenesis. Mainly, adult neurogenesis might be involved in the reduction of
catastrophic interference and in a time-related pattern separation function.
Artificial neuronal networks suggest that the selective recruitment of new-born
or old neurons is not stochastic, but depends on environmental requirements. This
leads us to propose the novel concept of « soft-supervision ». Soft-supervision
would be a biologically plausible process, by which the environment is able to
influence activation and learning rules of neurons differentially.
Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier B.V.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.08.009
PMID: 21856335 [Indexed for MEDLINE]