Friday Seminar – David Dupret
Friday 14 March at 11:30
Venue: Centre Broca
David Dupret
University of Oxford, UK
David Dupret was a PhD student under the supervision of Nora Abrous (Neurocentre Magendie) in 2004-2007.
Neural coordination in (mal)adaptive memory
Memories shape everyday behaviour, typically informing effective responses but sometimes driving maladaptive ones. This process engages complex patterns of neuronal activity distributed across brain networks, including the hippocampus. What features of neural activity underlie memory-guided behaviour? By considering spatio-temporally organised neuronal spiking and rhythmic fluctuations of the local field potentials, I will discuss in this talk recent findings that describe population-level patterns supporting internal processing of mnemonic information. I will show how leveraging these findings allow implementing cell type-selective and network pattern-informed interventions to draw causal involvement of neural dynamics at the nexus of brain and behaviour, and prevent the expression of unwanted memories. Altogether, these data will highlight how fine-grained neural dynamics distributed across the hippocampus and partner circuits promote memory-guided behaviour, for better or worse.
Selected publications
McNamara et al (2014)Nature Neuroscience.10.1038/nn.3843
Trouche et al (2016)NatureNeuroscience.10.1038/nn.4250
vanVen et al (2016)Neuron.10.1016/j.neuron.2016.10.020
Lopes-Dos-Santos et al (2018)Neuron.10.1016/j.neuron.2018.09.031
Trouche et al (2019)Cell.10.1016/j.cell.2018.12.037
Barron et al (2020)Cell.10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.035
El-Gaby et al (2021)NatureNeuroscience.10.1038/s41593-021-00820-w
Gava et al (2021)NatureNeuroscience.10.1038/s41593-021-00804-w
McHugh et al (2022).NatureNeuroscience.10.1038/s41593-022-01176-5
Clarke-Williams et al (2024)Cell. 10.1016/j.cell.2023.12.018
McHugh et al (2024)Neuron (in press). 10.1101/2023.10.24.563714
Gava et al (2024)Science(in press).10.1101/2023.09.26.558975
Share some pizza with the speaker!
PhD students, you can meet the speaker after the talk.
Please register here before Wednesday 12 March, 1pm:
Mise à jour: 07/03/25