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Conférence IBIO/RRI IMPACT – Pierrick Coupé

jeudi 23 janvier / 11:00

Venue: salle de conférence de l’IBIO.

On zoom:

Pierrick Coupé
directeur de recherche CNRS au LaBRI
In2Brain Research Group)


Deep Learning for Quantitative Analysis of Brain MRI


This conference will present our work dedicated to the quantitative analysis of cerebral MRIs, from the development of innovative methods to the production of new knowledge. First, I will present some of our brain analysis methods based on collective artificial intelligence. Then, I will describe our open access platform integrating our brain MRI segmentation tools. Finally, I will present our recent BigData studies dedicated to lifespan modeling of normal aging and diseased brain.


– Hervé Lemaître ()
– Fanny Munsch ()

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Date :
jeudi 23 janvier
Heure :
Catégories d’Évènement:
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