Tobacco and alcohol consumption in women treated for breast cancer in a department of surgical oncology: Frequent behaviours to consider,Consommations de tabac et d’alcool chez des femmes traitées pour un cancer du sein dans un service de chirurgie oncologique : des comportements fréquents à considérer
Bulletin du Cancer. 2022-03-01; 109(3): 307-317
DOI: 10.1016/j.bulcan.2021.07.005

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Article in French
Barrault-Couchouron M(1), Béracochéa M(2), Dorval M(3), Allafort V(4),
Barthélémy V(5), Garguil V(6), Auriacombe M(7), Bussières E(8), M’bailara K(9).
Author information:
(1)Institut Bergonié, Centre régional de lutte contre le Cancer, département
PRISME, service de psychologie, 229, cours de l’Argonne, 33000 Bordeaux, France;
Université de Bordeaux, laboratoire de psychologie, EA 4139, 3, ter Place de la
Victoire, 33000 Bordeaux, France. Electronic address:
(2)Institut Bergonié, Centre régional de lutte contre le Cancer, département
PRISME, service de psychologie, 229, cours de l’Argonne, 33000 Bordeaux, France.
(3)Université Laval, faculté de pharmacie et centre de recherche du CHU de
Québec, 2705, Laurier boulevard, G1V 4G2 Québec, Canada.
(4)Institut de formation en soins infirmiers Florence Nightingale Bagatelle,
201, rue Robespierre, 33400 Talence, France.
(5)Institut Bergonié, département de chirurgie, 229, cours de l’Argonne, 33000
Bordeaux, France.
(6)Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens, service d’addictologie, 121, rue de la
Béchade, 33076 Bordeaux, France.
(7)Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens, service d’addictologie, 121, rue de la
Béchade, 33076 Bordeaux, France; Université de Bordeaux, laboratoire SANPSY,
équipe addiction, CNRS USR 3413, 146, rue Léo Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux, France.
(8)Onco Nouvelle Aquitaine, Réseau régional de cancérologie, 42 rue Grateloup,
33000 Bordeaux, France.
(9)Université de Bordeaux, laboratoire de psychologie, EA 4139, 3, ter Place de
la Victoire, 33000 Bordeaux, France; Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens, service
de psychiatrie adulte, Pôle 3-4-7, 121, rue de la Béchade, 33076 Bordeaux,
INTRODUCTION: Tobacco and alcohol represent the two most important risk factors
increasing cancer incidence and mortality, particularly among women with breast
cancer. However, few researches have focused on the consumption of psychoactive
substances in women treated for breast cancer. The present study describes the
prevalence of tobacco and alcohol consumption and their relationships with the
sociodemographic, medical and psychological variables in a population of women
receiving surgery treatment for breast cancer.
METHODS: Between October 2014 and August 2015, a group of women receiving breast
cancer treatment were recruited to participate to a screening and brief
intervention program (SBI) for the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, adapted
to the oncology context. Data on tobacco and alcohol consumption were collected
using two questionnaires : the smoking status identification (NIDA) and alcohol
consumption (AUDIT-C). A questionnaire for socio- demographic data and two for
psychological data (Thermometer of psychological distress; ESAS), have been
used. The medical data were reported by participants and verified on medical
RESULTS: In a total of 11 months, 120 women with breast cancer were included in
this study. A large majority of patients were hospitalized for a first-time
cancer (80.8%), type invasive ductal carcinoma (70.8%) and were receiving
surgery as primary treatment (45%). Furthermore, 30.8% of the women reported
tobacco consumption and 38.4% high-risk alcohol consumption. Regarding mental
health, 40.8% presented moderate to intense levels of psychological distress. No
significant relationships were found between consumption scores and
sociodemographic, medical or psychological characteristics. Only the patient’s
age was negatively associated with tobacco consumption.
DISCUSSION: Tobacco and at-risk alcohol consumption are frequently reported
behaviors during breast cancer treatment. Intervention strategies targeting risk
behaviors related to addictive consumption should be implemented during the full
treatment of breast cancer patients.
Copyright © 2021 Société Française du Cancer. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
All rights reserved.