
Inscriptions pour la Cajal de mars 2020

Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

23 March – 10 April 2020
Bordeaux School of Neuroscience, France

Applications are open

Apply here

Deadline: 16 December 2019

Rapid advances in live imaging of targeted cellular morphologies and functions underpin the emerging revolution in our understanding of synapses, circuits, and behaviour. In keeping with its long-established tradition, this Cajal course will assemble at its international faculty leading experts in developing and exploiting cutting-edge imaging techniques that have been propelling such advances. How to combine genetically encoded fluorescence labelling with behavioural designs, micro-circuit monitoring, or single-molecule tracking, how to avoid pitfalls of having false-positive observations and inherent noise, how to best analyse your multi-dimensional data will be, among others, the recurrent subjects of the Course. An intense program of lectures and seminars will be combined with supervised, hands-on practical training modules and group assignments using experimental setups and tools provided by the world-leading research environment of the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience.

Course director

Dmitri Rusakov UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology United Kingdom


Tatiana Korotkova Neuronal circuits and behaviour MPI for Metabolism Research Germany


Grégory Giannone CNRS, IINS UMR 5297 University of Bordeaux France


Fee : 3.500 € (includes tuition fee, accommodation and meals)

The CAJAL programme offers 4 stipends per course (waived registration fee, not including travel expenses). Please apply through the course online application form. In order to identify candidates in real need of a stipend, any grant applicant is encouraged to first request funds from their lab, institution or government.

Kindly note that if you benefited from a Cajal stipend in the past, you are no longer eligible to receive this kind of funding. However other types of funding (such as partial travel grants from sponsors) might be made available after the participants selection process, depending on the course.

This course is organised in partnership with the Bordeaux Imaging Center (BIC).


Publication: 10/12/19
Mise à jour: 19/12/19