
Aide à la mobilité doctorale internationale / Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program

Informations en français : télécharger la documentation (pdf)

The Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program is launching its new action to support international mobility of all PhD students in Bordeaux Neurocampus laboratories.


International mobility fellowships for:

– Short-term mobility projects to complete your training through practical workshops or laboratory visits (except conferences, literature study…)

– Short-term laboratory visits at the end of the PhD to look for post-doc positions

– Long-term mobility projects to work in research laboratory according to your thesis research project


For all PhD students in Bordeaux Neurocampus laboratories registered at SVS Doctoral School


International destination


– Short-term mobilities must last less than 2 months

– Long-term mobilities must last between 2 and 9 months maximum

How much?

– For short-term mobility projects, selected students will benefit from the following travel grants:

Travel grant 
Europe 350 €
Outside Europe 750 €

– For long-term mobility projects, selected students will benefit from the following travel and monthly grants:

Monthly allowance Travel grant 
Europe 500 € 350 €
Outside Europe 650 € 750 €


Online application at  https://aap.u-bordeaux.fr/siaap/administration/appel/view/97 with the requested documents (application form to fill ; CV; cover letter; Scientifc description; support letter from thesis supervisor; invitation letter from the host institution… AND A UNIQUE MERGED DOCUMENT).

You can apply throught out the year, at least 4 months before planned departure. 

The selection committee will select mobility projects according to their quality and relevance to the thesis project, in the limit of the available funds.

More information?

Before to apply, we invite you to carefully read the attached detailled guidelines and to consult the Neurocampus Graduate Program website for details.


Publication: 01/10/19
Mise à jour: 01/10/19