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Séminaire – Jean-Philippe Lachaux

17 mai 2019 / 14:00

Lieu : Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine – Salle de conférence

Jean-Philippe Lachaux
Directeur de Recherche
Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon

Invité par Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer (IMN)


At every moment, attention permeates our relationship to the world and to others, and determines the quality of our experience. Yet, while « everybody knows what attention is », as William James famously said, only few know its mechanisms and intrinsic limitations (mostly cognitive neuroscientists and psychologists). In an era of constant numeric stimulation and interaction, that lack of real understanding – by the general public – of « what attention is » has led to an attention crisis, described by sociologist and philosopher Yves Citton as a widespread difficulty to stabilize attention on contents which are not immediately stimulating. In this talk, I will try to convince the audience that the science of attention is mature enough to propose a possible way out of that crisis, in particular through education programs in schools to teach attention.

Related publications :

On the intracranial EEG side
Perrone-Bertolotti M, Kujala J, Vidal JR, Hamamé CM, Ossandón T, Bertrand O, et al. How silent is silent reading? Intracerebral evidence for top-down activation of temporal voice areas during reading. J Neurosci. Society for Neuroscience; 2012 Dec 5;32(49):17554–62.

Hamamé CM, Vidal JR, Ossandón T, Jerbi K, Dalal SS, Minotti L, et al. Reading the mind’s eye: online detection of visuo-spatial working memory and visual imagery in the inferior temporal lobe. Neuroimage. 2012 Jan 2;59(1):872–9.

Vidal JR, Freyermuth S, Jerbi K, Hamamé CM, Ossandón T, Bertrand O, et al. Long-distance amplitude correlations in the high γ band reveal segregation and integration within the reading network. J Neurosci. 2012 May 9;32(19):6421–34.

jphlachaux Jean-Philippe, Axmacher N, Mormann F, Halgren E, Crone NE. High-frequency neural activity and human cognition: past, present and possible future of intracranial EEG research. Prog Neurobiol. 2012 Sep;98(3):279–301.

Saignavongs M, Ciumas C, Petton M, Bouet R, Boulogne S, Rheims S, et al. Neural Activity Elicited by a Cognitive Task can be Detected in Single-Trials with Simultaneous Intracerebral EEG-fMRI Recordings. Int J Neur Syst. 2017 Feb;27(1):1750001–14.

For the general audience, about attention :

Lachaux, J. P. (2011). Le cerveau attentif: contrôle, maîtrise et lâcher-prise. Odile Jacob.

Lachaux, J. P. (2015). Le cerveau funambule: comprendre et apprivoiser son attention grâce aux neurosciences. Odile Jacob.

Lachaux, J. P. (2016). Les Petites bulles de l’attention: Se concentrer dans un monde de distractions. Odile Jacob.

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Date :
17 mai 2019
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