2RI Food4BrainHealth days 2024
The 5th edition of the 2RI Food4BrainHealth days will take place on October 14th and 15th at the Centre Broca.
Registration is free but mandatory on https://evento.renater.fr/survey/journees-rri-14-et-15-octobre-t8y9rutw
Please note that the lunch is limited to 70 participants.
External guests
- André Marette (Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
- Mélanie Plourde (Université Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada)
- Niyazi Acar (CSGA, Dijon, France)
- Andréanne Michaud (Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
- Vincenzo Di Marzo (Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
- Philippe Gérard (MICALIS, Jouy-en Josas, France)
- Aurélie DeRus Jacquet (Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
- Richard Bazinet (Toronto University, Toronto, Canada)
- Lucie Beaulieu (Université Laval, Québec, Canada)
Monday 14 October
10:00-10:30 : Welcome – Coffee
11:00-11:30: André Marette (Québec)
Gut microbiome alterations in autism spectrum disorder
11:30-12:00: Xavier Fioramonti (Bordeaux)
Effect of fructose intake on microbiota composition and brain health
12:30-14:00 : Lunch
14:00 -14:30: Mélanie Plourde (Sherbrooke)
Lipidomic of the blood brain barriers
14:30-15:00: Niyazi Acar (Dijon)
Innovative strategies to improve omega-3 PUFA concentrations in the retina
15:00-15:30: Richard Bazinet (Toronto)
New methods lead to new findings regarding how diet and the liver regulate brain fatty acid levels
15:30-16h00: Coffee break
16:00-16:30: Andréanne Michaud (Québec)
Brain Health Improvement Following Bariatric Surgery: Insights from MRI Studies
16:30-17:00: Guillaume Ferreira (Bordeaux)
Circuit-based sexual dimorphism in obesogenic diet-induced cognitive impairment
Tuesday 15 October 2024
9:00-9:30 : Vincenzo Di Marzo (Québec)
The gut microbiome-endocannabinoidome axis in CNS function and dysfunction
9:30-10:00: Philippe Gérard (Jouy-en Josas)
Role of the gut microbiota in liver diseases. Evidence from microbiota transplants in germfree animal models
10:00-10:30: Aurélie DeRus Jacquet (Québec)
Shifting perspectives: a search for glia-protective natural health products to promote brain health
10h45-11:00: Coffee break
11:00-11:15: Rachel Ginieis (Bordeaux)
Effects of food and sleep realignment onto circadian rhythms on memory functions in adolescent patients with obesity
11:15-11:30: Pauline Couty (Bordeaux)
Anatomofunctional vulnerability of dopaminergic transmission to manipulation of vitamin A status
11:30-11:45: Serene Bondad (Bordeaux)
Small, but TERRIBLE : exploring the impacts of food grade nanoparticles on human glutamatergic neurons
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30: Lucie Beaulieu (Québec)
Marine algae: a potential source of neuroactive compounds
14:30-15:00 : Jean-Christophe Delpech (Bordeaux)
Investigating the role of extracellular vesicles in the relationship between n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid status and cognitive abilities
15:00-15:15: Closing remarks by S Layé, F Calon, R Michaud, L Brétillon
Please note that the lunch is limited to 70 participants.
About 2RI Food4BrainHealth
The Food4BrainHealth International Research Network (Réseau de Recherche international – 2RI) project emerged from LIA OptiNutribrain and proposes to create a sustainable network of leaders in neuros and nutritional sciences in France and Canada.
The main objective of this network is to provide robust scientific data to define an optimized nutrition for brain health. This initiative will assemble public principal research institutions to promote scientific interactions of multidisciplinary groups from the two countries.
The objectives consist in:
1. Supporting exchanges and assembly of pioneer researchers;
2. Sharing current knowledge and novel research tools;
3. Enabling international training of young researcher;
4. Increasing bilateral collaborations.
Mise à jour: 18/09/24